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Recent Posts by jmartin


Subscribe to Recent Posts by jmartin 10 posts found

Apr 16, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Everything Education / Drill instructor training for bootcamp

The US Military has the finest drill instructors in the world. Hire some ex-Marines…good luck!

Apr 16, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / How are group home educational services delivered?

Depends on the size of the placement home, the restrictions or level of group home, the child’s needs, etc. Most low level step down from incarceration group homes try to re-integrate the youth back into the community which requires them attending public schools. Obviously, this varies from state to state, and from child to child.

Apr 16, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / juvenile record expungement

Try this website…allot of good policy being written in AZ.


Apr 16, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / Juvenile records for sex offenders question

I believe the judge during sentencing has the ability to allow the record to be sealed or if the offense is too heinous, they will be required to register as sex offenders. If they are required to register, than the juvenile issue is moot, because everyone has access.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: The Club House / Wanting to relocate

Last I checked TYC was hiring like crazy, but it requires working with youth…..good luck.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: The Club House / Career in Corrections

Been in for 22 years and love it. Never the same thing everyday. It definitely exposes you to the worst of the human condition on a regualr basis, so learn early not to take it home with you.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / Mental health exams for Juvenile Justice workers

debmac….good catch. You are absolutely right. Nobody gets hired until a comprehensive back ground check can be completed to include the prospective employee’s financial records.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / suicidal juveniles

Suicide prevention measeures start at the assessment phase at intake from a transporting officer questionairre, to receiving pertinent information about a youth’s prior commitment adjustments (did s/he attempt suicide before in detention, at home, have people close to the youth committed suicide in the past), the youth’s current psychological well being. Second, policy that supports the mission of keeping these youth safe, a 1:1 policy, a step down policy…policy that supports safe practices (kids are not isolated during potentially suicidal times, staggered 15 minute interval checks, safe housing units, safe practices, etc.

As far as youth trying to get attention, my opinion is who cares? What will an impulsive kid do to get your attention? do you know how far? Even an attention seeking behavior can end disasterously, so be safe and always have a QMHP make the determination, that way you share the responsibility.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / gang assessment

It sounds to me like the institution is reinforcing the gang culture by seperating them. I have utilized the MDT process in the past to integrate youth into dormitory settings where the population was mixed. Often times, that involves changing the entire culture of the facility where violence and gang behavior are not tolerated. This includes tribunals for new youth on the unit, peer mentors, a positive peer culture, etc. Very tough work to change a facility’s culture and easily eroded by ne or two staff who do not buy in….good luck.

Apr 06, 2009
Male user jmartin 10 posts

Topic: Juvenile Jam / Mental health exams for Juvenile Justice workers

The MMPI has been utilized extensively for assisting agencies in trying to determine which personality types they feel are best suited to work with youth, but like any pre-service tool, they are only as good as the supporting training and culture an agency provides to deter negative events from employees. What I have found that works best for new probationary employees are good training and follow-up, an FTO program, open door policy with Administration, clear and concise guidelines and job expectations, and good documentation to dismiss poor employees during their probationary period when it is easiest. These guidelines also establish professionalism within the ranks and deter poor performance from the rookies.

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