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A sad state.


Subscribe to A sad state. 37 posts, 9 voices

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Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

The truth is that the corrections system is like a long time out. Hell think of it this way why would I stop selling drugs if I can make more in a year then people do working an honest job for 5 years with the danger of 1-3 years of prison time as punishment and the possibility of not having to do the full punishment. The way I see it I could sell drugs for like 10 years and retire. I just hold myself to higher standards. Now if only they would make these illegal actions not profitable they would end. If they would make prison undesirable then there would be less crime. But sadly every time we turn around prison is less about reforming inmates and more about putting them away from society. We give them whatever they want to pacify them while we provide an education take care of their health needs. There is a reason people do not want to go to prison in Mexico and why we have people committing crimes when the weather gets cold here in America.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

While I myself agree with you Alex, sadly the hard facts of “progress” point in the opposite direction. Lawmakers continue to listen to bleeding heart support groups and turn the justice system into a politcal playground. While I do support the ideas that a person should have the right and chance to improve themselves and become better people, removing personal responsibility from the system is counter productive at best. No human being or anything created by humans will ever achive perfection, but we attempt to do the best we can with what broken tools we are given.

Male user Alex 16 posts


I’d rather they fix the justice system first. we’ve got a great system that says one can’t have consecutive sentences which means if you kill one guy you might as well kill five more because you can never get more than 25 years in prison. That’s just one example.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts


Hmmmm….. Seems like maybe the Canadian model of corrections might just have a few flaws in it somewhere cause this inmate sounds like someone who needs extra hugs and more time with Mario.

Ok now that I got my smartass streak done, Seriously I never like to hear about ANY staff member getting hurt but this is why we should take all inmates as a threat.Really is no room to be their friends, and think you “know” them. Unless you want to increase your chances of being an assault victim. Be professional but that doesn’t mean being relaxed to the point your putting yourself needlessly in harms way. Just like a strange dog any inmate has the potential to snap at any time for any reason, and keeping that in mind will serve you well and help keep you alive over the years. Lets face it, if they made good decisions and had impulse control chances are they wouldn’t be inmates.

Hopes for a speedy recovery for the officer. Stay safe and watch your backs out there, this stuff happens all to often.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Well the Wii babysitter isn’t all its cracked up to be. I had two inmates playing Mario on the thing and the one guy used the other guy to make a jump and killed him. This meant much yelling which lead to me having to play baby sitter and split them up so they wouldn’t fight over a stupid video game. I dislike these new toys these guys are getting.

Male user RCJ 49 posts

I’m new as a registered member of this site but have been using it for quite some time. I enjoy the information and topics of discussion in the forum. Regarding “A Sad State”, I have to say that I strongly disagree with Justus and it really is a sad state as for the direction that Corrections is heading. I too have seen many come and go that get taken in by the inmates. I agree with following procedures and always assuming that the inmates are working an angle. That approach keeps you safer and out of trouble, better to be proven wrong that way than the other. Justus, just because someone is doing ther job doesn’t make them unfair and cruel. Consistancy among staff doing their jobs per policy is what makes a facility function as smoothly as it possibly can. I also will never be convinced that inmates will ever see kindness as anything but weakness. I would also like to say that I do agree with the opinion of the others regarding this topic and that safety and security should always be top priority. Be safe.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

I work in the Irish Prison service so that kind blows you anti American theory out of the water doesn’t it

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Interesting thought…. Thing is not everyone who has posted in this thread is American. Maybe our “theory” on how to deal with inmates is more widespread than you realize.

Female user Justus 11 posts

What is so scary to me, is many Canadian Prisons are based on American models…but the American models are usually just theory….oh well I practice what i preach :-) g nite US OF A.

Female user Justus 11 posts

You Americans are so 2 decades ago…..no wonder you are still arguing race,sex and who to vote for…..

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Ugh.. this thread just keeps chasing its tail in circles. Bottom line is, always has been and always will be nobody will change without the desire for change. No amount of force, IPC skills, verbal judo, hugs and kisses, or carebear mentality will change it. It’s human nature. But the fact is most people choose to stay out of trouble for one of two reasons. One their morals and values tell them it’s wrong. Two they fear the repercussions of such actions. If neither exist then nothing is there as a deterent. Yes everyone screws up we’re human, but in no logical way can having multiple prison terms be considered a slight human error, it’s just genuine bad behavior because they don’t respect the outcomes of their actions. I choose to do my job as fair and impartial as possible, but that doesn’t mean I feel a need to make them comfortable. Prison isn’t ment to be a nice comfortable place. Safety and security are my job, not punishment. But just like people spending their whole lives on the welfare system, if an undesirable position is made comfortable then they have no reason to change their ways.

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

Unlike you Justus I don’t want to be their friend. They were sent to prison because society has decided that they are unfit to live among decent people. I have been doing this Job long enough to know that the only thing that they respect is strength. I have seen your type come and go. The lags play the game with you smile and pretend to like you to your face but laugh at you behind your back because they see you as an easy touch. And as for being sexist far from it. I have the greatest respect for some of the Female Officers I work with. They are the equal of any Male Officer I have ever worked with. Why. Because the won’t take any shit from the prisoners.
And for my health. I just had a medical examination about 6 weeks ago and was told I was very healthy. So you don’t need to worry on that front.
And Respect. Yes they have to earn my respect by behaving like civilized human beings and obeying the rules of the prison and the orders of the Officers. Otherwise I will treat them as they behave. Act like an animal I will treat you like one.Unless you have forgotten they are the criminals and they have to earn their way back into decent society.
And “Knucklel Dragging Screws”. The only people that refer to Officers as “Screws” are the dirt we lock up and their inbred relatives. So I am having my doubts that you are even in the Job.

Female user Justus 11 posts

People WILL come back over and over…..if all we can do is assist someone to learn to commit less harmful crimes or to learn skills to stay out for longer periods in between bits, that is a far more realistic goal than thinking going to jail once or sitting in a chair in program will be a cure all. Unfortunately our job has no real opportunity for us to see the positive which is why so many officers burn out, give up, become disillusioned with the system and go back to the warehousing mentality. There are random assaults on officers which appear to come unprovoked….sorry to hear your workplace does not support legitimate self defense, but I do know when any incident occurs there are usually indicators prior. I too have been respected and hated for following protocol with inmates and staff! If you read through my posts you’ll see I haven’t said anything about being easy on the convicted, I have thrown out the line of thought that for us to go home at the end of the day healthier and happier, more satisfied with what we do, there are certain attitudes, beliefs and behaviours we as officers need to stop doing. What concerns me is when I see officers behaving more abusively and cruel than the offenders…..that just keeps the cycle of crime going. I too have seen both men and women form inappropriate relationships with offenders, bring in contraband, turn a blind eye to the corruption on the INSIDE, this is what is my biggest beef. As officers and as human beings, I can’t do anything but BE THE CHANGE I WANT TO SEE. That is a whole lot tougher than giving into the status quo and just punishing people because I am miserable and have lost hope. I am not a righteous do gooder and I believe there are many amazing hard working and morally upstanding officers who, like me work to have a safe community, but i am concerned with the spirit of the threads and this is just me being part of conversation. Has anybody on here ever tried to change? Was it easy? Did you want to or have to? Did it help to have people show you the way or push you and berate you if you fell? How open are you to my comments if I do it in a way that causes you to get your back up? This is a great example as to how no one can make anyone else change with force, you have to roll with resistance. I hear people saying they want safer work places, they want to see the inmates learn not to come back, to learn victim empathy, to acquire skills they can use to become contributing members of society, we can make that happen unless we role model how to do that to them….jail is a difficult place to do that, but not impossible. If I really don’t want to see more victims created, then I can’t be in the position to think I can just bully inmates to stop or scare them into change….that is just doing what they do. I want to empower people to grab ahold of there own behaviour because they want to. I feel sad that so many officers make their own jobs much tougher and less effective by wasting energy punishing people rather than doing the job we were meant to by role modeling self disciplne and assisting others in “correcting” their criminal behaviors by teaching alternatives. THAT is hard work.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Justus clearly you have good inner personal communication skills and getting along with the inmates you over see is quite easy for you. I sadly have issues with them because I enforce the rules and regulations of my institution. This has lead to me being not only hated by the inmate population but also given great respect by it. The inmates who follow the rules and regulations have no issues with me and rather enjoy having me around because I keep the trouble makers in line. Whereas the trouble makers tend to dislike me. I do my job well and enjoy it. I am saddened because when I look at the inmates that will never get themselves straight I see the people this man will affect and hope and pray it will not be any of the people I hold dear in this world. I think they are wastes of time and space but hold myself to my professional standard and perform my job to the best of my ability. I have had very few altercations with inmates where I was the target of aggression. Though when you have a mentally unstable inmate assault you then get a free pass on his case because he is mentally unstable it does not make the bruises on your neck left from his hands and fingers go away any faster or make the use of force committee not treat you like garbage because you defended yourself. I am not sure for what or where you stand all I know is my day to day and prison no longer is a feared place. We have a man that set a record for coming to prison 15 times. Now in my neanderthal knuckle dragging opinion when the average offender has more than one number we are doing it wrong.

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

I was not judging you, just stating the obvious facts that I have seen in my years as a correctional officer. take it any way you want but you have no right to judge any of us also. You came on here with a chip on your shoulder playing to righteous do gooder and everyone else as evil and ignorant and trust me you aint the first. So if you read the posts in this room, you will see that I am only stating what I have seen in the last 10 days as a correctional officer. Only the facts Ma’am

Female user Justus 11 posts

Well most people who make judgements of others sexual preference, spiritual conviction, history of trauma, mental health diagnosis, belittle others with unsurprising and predictable bullying behaviors are usually judged by people like you as offenders….look in the mirror, you are one. Leave the profiling to tv the shows you sit down and watch after a long day in the slammer punishing people you feel are lesser than law abiding folks like “us.”. How many crooks are on THIS side of the bars…..code of conduct is very strict about officer offender behavior, so I could I be THE WHOLE PACKAGE if kindness meant weakness. Caring for others doesn’t have to lead to sexual relationships in any setting jail most definitely. Any good officer has good boundaries…that’s training bro!! Do you even practice what you preach in your institutions? I am glad your time capsule finally opened!

Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

I’m sorry to say this Justus but almost all female officers I known of over the past 19 years with your mentality have been either been walked or resigned because of having affairs with inmates, not saying that you are but you do fit the profile.

Female user Justus 11 posts

Life on the line? Your own ignorance is what makes you a risk to yourself and breach in security to your facility. If you had any interpersonal skills maybe knuckle dragging screws like you wouldn’t get shit blasted on a daily basis. You get respect when you give it. obviously you are unable to connect with your offender population and as a result hold resentment and anger towards them. I suspect you have racist and sexist issues as well. I hope Obamacare is gonna help pay for your heart medication and addictions treatment as a result of your inability to manage your own stress. If you can’t control yourself no surprise you’re fearful of inmates and feel the need to dehumanize them. Get your resume out there before your job kills you :-(

Riot helmet Mick 307 posts

A Sad State. Yes it is when prison is no longer a deterrent to criminals. Where convicted scum have more rights that the Officers that put their lives on the line every day to contain these vermin.
Where an inmate can see Doctors,Dentists,Opticians,Psychologists/Psychiatrists,Dietitians and various other services free of charge when honest hard working decent people have to pay for them. Yes it is “A Sad State” of affairs.

Female user Justus 11 posts

I thought this was a community for corrections…seems like your attitude is just part of the problem. Why do you do what you do if you hate it so much? You aren’t helping anyone. Get a new job and allow people with the desire to help society take your place.

Getty rf photo of cat and praying mantis Campi 227 posts

Sadly this comes down to the different sides. I believe no one should be rewarded for negative behavior. If you want to teach your child not to do something you place them in time out and then let them think about what they had done. During this time you do not give then candy cookies and praise to make the punishment seem kinder or gentile. This is a simple principle. When an inmate regardless of crime gets to twiddle his time away all day because his 15 minute porter job is done because there is not enough work in the prison to go around I wonder how someone will learn or maintain work ethic. The inmate was taken to court and proven beyond a reasonable doubt by a judge which if you voted put there or jury of his peers. He is meant to build himself into something more then what he came in as. We do not push for this. We allow them to wallow around until they are ready to get their lives back on track or to change the path that they have chosen. This sadly means that about one half to one quarter of them will simply do their time and go back to what they know depending on which state they live in. Now this same man who mops a floor for a few minutes a day has the skill set to push a broom for minimum wages when he gets out or hopefully he had a trade before incarceration. If this man was forced to attend classes and learn a productive skill such as wielding or even auto mechanics he could have a different path then the one laid before him. Sadly some if not most prisoners are young to middle aged that has no high school diploma or GED that has done what he could to make it by. Even with a collage degree some people cannot find work unless they are willing to uproot their lives to go to the work. I do not believe that we should allow inmates to be a burden on society or that my tax dollars should go to making their incarceration any more comfortable then it has to be. I know for a fact if they are comfortable in their poverty they will stay in it. This is by no means what every inmate dose. We have successful inmates that go on to live full and productive lives not bothering anyone and fitting happily in society. We also have inmates that I know walking out the door will reoffend and possible destroy a victims life. Yet we do nothing but throw programs at them and religion and hope for the best. I have attended many programs and sadly most are there to get another slip to put in their PRC packet so they can go home early and get right back to what they were doing before because in their own words “Prison ain’t shit. It’s like a vacation you know.”
As for employee code of conduct I am held to a very high standard. These inmates can and have struck me or thrown their own waste on me then put their hands on their head laughing the entire time knowing if I do anything but detain them they will have a large lawsuit on their hands and I will lose the few things I have worked for my entire life. I live by policy and procedure because there are bleeding hearts in the prison system that would have your job and a chunk of your hide for simply doing your job. The prison system is full of second guessing and month long investigations into the actions of people who are put into situations where they have to decide in seconds their actions while factoring in legal liability and personal danger. Long gone are the days of cursing an inmate. You will be reprimanded and if you do so more then you face fines and if it is a persisting issue you can be fired. We are held to standards that normal people cannot handle and stress levels at times that make pulling out ones hair and dancing naked in the street sound like good ideas. The system is running right off the tracks like it has for years but sadly this track we are about to get on will lead to only more issues for society and a larger burden on it. So sadly it offends me that watching inmates play video games and coddling them seems like a bad idea to me but I do not get paid to make those big decisions I simply fallow the poor decisions of my bosses because if I want their money I must first deal with their bull shit.

Male user tommo11 11 posts

If in doubt, knock em out

Female user Justus 11 posts


Flag1 1 shakeyjake 112 posts

Hey you two, knock it off or I spray your asses. oh and take away the Wii also.

Remle riflepg irish assassin 286 posts

Oh trust me little girl, it takes a lot more than that to get under my skin.

Now this is me CALLING YOU A RETARD!!!!

Alas and alack I must go ack to grown up land now. Goodnight and Godspeed.

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