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Recent Posts by prznboss


Subscribe to Recent Posts by prznboss 25 posts found

Nov 28, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Security Central / Inmates barricading cell doors, Ideas to combat this Read for example of cell door

Fogging him out with O.C. works most of the time.

Oct 11, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Security Central / A question about cellphones

Most people in this profession are proud to be in it. It’s obvious from your post that your’re experiencing emotional problems that I would guess were in place prior to your current occupation. No reason to slander an entire occupation. Just get a new job and a good counselor!

Oct 11, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Courthouse Officers

I believe most everywhere you would have to be a Deputy Sheriff.

Mar 22, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Prison & Slavery - A Surprising Comparison

Comparing prison with slavery is ridiculous. Slaves are victims. They were captured, sold and forced to work, not as a punishment for any wrong-doing. The inmates in prison are there because they were found guilty of a felony. I do believe we incarcerate too many, though. I think that drugs should now be treated like the most dangerous drug of all, alcohol. Legalize it with minimum age of 21 and tax the heck out of it.

Mar 03, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / 12 Hour Shifts

Ours is pretty simple. Four on, Four off. Most everyone seems to like it pretty well.

Feb 17, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Security Central / Cell Searches

I used to allow them to hang out outside the cell but years ago an inmate attempted to lock me in the cell one day so ever since then I made them wait in the day room until I was done.

Feb 10, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Just Asking.....

I just post when I’m goofing off at work, which is RARE (that’s for the benefit of those monitoring my computer use!) I rarely get on the internet at home except for paying bills.

Feb 08, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Are You A Knuckle Dragger?

I have a couple of nephews that have been in and out of jail/prison and like most all inmate mothers/grandmothers/girlfriends they believe everything they tell them hook, line and sinker. So them I’M the one that’s looked on with suspicion because I’m one of them big, mean prison guards their little darling told them all about. I’ve tried to set the record straight a couple times in as gentle a manner as possible but you can tell they’re always going to believe them more than me.

Jan 19, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

Looks like we need a verification process like some of the other sites are doing to keep former inmates from posting. KakosangPinoy, welcome! I bet it’s a lot warmer there than here in Wyoming!

Jan 03, 2011
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

You don’t have to worry about inmates lieing on you. They will always do that. One of my duties is to answer inmate grievances. If the inmate says Ofc. Smith kicked him in the knee I ask Ofc. Smith “Did you kick him in the knee?”. The officer says “no” so that’s what the inmate’s response is. I will always believe a staff member over the inmate unless on the rare occasion that it is a staff member who has developed a reputation of dishonesty, not following policy, etc. Then the accusations get looked into a little bit.

Dec 07, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Is ethics missing from training programs?

CorrectionsOne.com isn’t bad either. No spam there.

Dec 03, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: In Memory of... / Israeli correctional officers

My prayers go out to the families of the Israeli correctional officers that were killed in the fire.


Nov 29, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Guidelines for Muslim women's head covering

The requirements are whatever your department’s policy says it is. If you follow policy the lawsuit will be directed towards your department and not you. If your department doesn’t have a policy on the matter let them wear whatever they want until something’s put in writing.

Nov 18, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / New Treatment Staff- advice?

Shakey, by “overseeing” I’m referring to is someone in charge of operating the filter that keeps the spam entries out. Not sure how you got order out of that, nor am I sure how you thought I was referring to you.

Nov 17, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / New Treatment Staff- advice?

Is there not anyone that oversees these forums????

Nov 13, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Crime and "Punishment" in Modern Corrections

So, since you received slow service in Johnson County Kansas you figured you’d gripe on a worldwide corrections forum, hijacking four threads in the process. Sounds reasonable to me!

Nov 11, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Security Central / Are gangs running our prisons?

So let me guess, cjarnold, are you an inmate’s girlfriend or mother? Look into the whole story some time, not just what the inmate’s telling you. I know, I’ve talked to plenty of inmate girlfriends and mothers over the years to tell you that you’re not getting the truth. Has he used the one on you yet that he has to attend a treatment program and has to pay for it himself so you need to send him the money or he’ll be in prison forever? If not, it’s coming.

Nov 05, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Daily Meals

We do sack lunches too. I’ve recommended meal loaf before but that got shot down for some reason!

Nov 05, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Smoking films get an R-rating?

And this related to corrections…….howwwwww?

Oct 28, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Mock Prison Riot

Great job Mick! Glad to hear staff injuries were at a minimum.

Oct 12, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: A Broader View / Crime and "Punishment" in Modern Corrections

I agree with what you wrote Pickle. Good post. As jaded and cynical as I’ve become over the years I still have hope that some will leave better than they arrived. If I didn’t have that hope I don’t think I could get myself to keep showing up to work every day.

Sep 20, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Officer image

I hear what you’re saying Taz. It’s a crazy world. Still waiting for the pendulum to swing back the other way but don’t know if it ever will now. Maybe the tea party movement will bring in some fire breathing Republicans who will put in some common sense thinking people to get our prisons back under control and take them away from the hug-a-thugs. Mick, sounds like you got you a good warden!

Aug 30, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: The Club House / Does work sometimes conflict with home life?

The kids still don’t like it when I pat them down and shake down their bedrooms but they’ve gotten used to it!

Aug 20, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Physical Conditioning?

In Wyoming if you can drag the elk you shot back to your pickup, then you’re considered good to go!

Aug 16, 2010
Northwest hounded police animated avatar 100x100 90714 prznboss 44 posts

Topic: Security Central / Best way to handle unruly inmate

If the gerbil voodoo doesn’t work it’s face down on the ground, cuffed behind the back, and then off to the hole!

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