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Recent Posts by BROWNS2K


Subscribe to Recent Posts by BROWNS2K 23 posts found

Jun 01, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Question about co-worker

I would say this new officer needs to re-evaluate if he’s capable of doing the job he’s required to do, and fast. If you’ve lost faith in his ability to back you up, by all means, you should confront him immediately about it, as your life could very well depend on his backing you up. Some people are just not cut out to do this job. If your first instinct is to hesitate or run the other way when a fight breaks out, your in the wrong profession. We have a saying where I work, ‘If my partners taking an ass beating, then so am I." If someone did leave their partner, they wouldn’t be here very much longer, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Just make sure when you confront him you do so in a professional manner and not in front of the inmates. I for one would refuse to work a post with someone I knew wasn’t going to have my back, buy I have a strong union to back me up on such issues.

Mar 02, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / The "new" System?

Well put Turnkey. While I’ve only been in corrections for a fraction of the time you have, I have already witnessed a vast change in the way our institution is run. When I first started working here, we were a level 3 institution with A and B inmates. Then one day, out of nowhere, they turned all of the B levels into A. It use to be a privilege to be an A level, but that was wiped out in one day. We also use to have 4 SMU units, but then people outside the system began to cry and said that keeping inmates in ‘The Hole" for too long was not good for them. There was a reason they were there, but it no longer mattered, So now we only have 2 actual SMU’s, and the inmates can only be in there for a certain amount of time, no matter what they do. Assaults on staff are up, as well as inmate on inmate assaults. The inmates now have more rights than we do as CO’s, and people are afraid to do their job because of PREA and other idiotic programs instituted by people who have never spent a day as a CO or been in a prison. We’ve become glorified daycare centers, and we put our lives on the line everyday with no support from management or the public. This job has become tedious, and I fear we are about to lose a lot of good CO’s because of these changes.

Feb 17, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / do we need to increase HIV prevention in prison?

It’s obvious none of you work in the prison system, why are you even on this site?? Go away and spam somewhere else.

Feb 17, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Who is running this place?

Just look at PREA and the mess it is, especially when they first incorporated it. I remember them putting in all these alarms and telling all females( I work at an all male prison) that not only do they have to announce their arrival in a pod(idiotic in and of itself), they also had to sound the alarm. Basically, it turned out to be a jack alert, and after writing more jack tickets than anyone cold imagine, they finally did away with them. We had warned them from the beginning, the CO’s that is, about this very thing, but no one listened. Same can be said about us shaking down inmates, once PREA was initiated, all of us CO’s were hit with PREA infractions from the I/M’s that wasted a lot of time and resources. When they finally made a penalty for filing a false claim, it finally slowed down. We’re becoming glorified day care centers, mainly because of all the rules and regulations imposed by idiots who haven’t spent an hour in a state prison. Just my 2 cents……

Feb 16, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: In Memory of... / Denise Reed

Denise Reed, CO at ManCI was found dead this morning at her house. Police are currently looking at this as a homicide. CO Reed worked 3rd shift at ManCI. She was only 46 years old. Prayers to her family. You will be missed CO Reed.

Feb 09, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / Are COs tested yearly for TB?

CW: You must work at a private prison in Ohio, because every state prison I’m aware of does a TB test the first day on the job, and then yearly after that. If your a state employee and haven’t been tested, you need to let your Cpt. or Medical know immediately.

Jan 27, 2017
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Staff who Cheat

I don’t know that it happens anymore in a prison than in any other work place. If it did, I could understand it, as I think we as officers tend to be closer to our fellow CO’s considering the job we have to do and the fact that we rely on each other to have our backs. Would be interesting to see the actual stats on this subject though.

Dec 01, 2016
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Fighting with a inmate?

Keep your distance as long as possible. Unfortunantly, most times an attack happens very quckly and without much warning, so the inmates already in close to you. Use ANYTHING you can for a weapn, and I do mean ANYTHING. If he’s going to attack you, he probably won’t hesitate to try and kill you. Use your knowledge of USD training, I know here at ManCI we do alot of training from ground positions, which is where most fights end up. Above all, don’t try and be a hero. Call for backup whenever possible, hit your man down, or blast them with OC spray at first chance.

Oct 19, 2016
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / How to get rid of anxiety and fear?

Campi: I agree with most of what you said, but some people’s level of anxiety do make it rough for them to do daily activities that you or I can do. Also, medication can be a big help, if the right one and amount are prescribed. Sometimes getting to that exact point can cause problems, say ups and downs, but once reached, it can really be a major factor in someone overcoming their anxiety. There’s nothing non-manly about admitting you have anxiety or stress, both of them can be killers believe it or not. Now about this dying crap. Isn’t that what religion is for?!

Oct 18, 2016
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / How to get rid of anxiety and fear?

I don’t know what the hell she’s butt hurt about. Calling someone a troll is upsetting her? I suggest she never go on the internet again, she’ll be offended by everything she see’s and reads. Her other blathering isn’t worth responding to. 2 posts and already a drama queen.

Oct 15, 2016
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Health & Wellness / How to get rid of anxiety and fear?

And your out of line KKRN. Who the heck would come to a corrections site for any serious mental help???? Campi is entitled to his opinion without having someone with RN in their name call him out. I could have given her the same advice you did but I don’t answer to trolls.

Oct 14, 2016
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / backround check?

I live in Ohio and I believe it took about a month before I got my results back. You should be hearing something soon.

Aug 14, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: Letter of The Law / Inmates and adult publications

At our facility porn is allowed but not photo’s of penetration. Of course we constantly find those, these folks are not in here becuase they’re great at following rules. Almost every cell has girlie pics all over them, even though the female CO’s find it very distateful. But then again we’re in the business of catering to inmates nowadays, or at least that’s what the government wants us to do now.

Aug 06, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, no, its a plane, no, its a drone!!

So, how many of you have had the pleasure of having a drone fly over your rec area, while full of inmates, and drop a package of heroin, marijuana and tobacco,causing a fight with about 60 inmates? No, just wait, won’t be long now! Isn’t technology grand!!!

May 13, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Cavs Continue to Win Despite Injuries:

No Love, no problem. The list of Cavs injuries goes on, but despite all of this, the Cavs are on the verge of eliminating the Bulls. King James reigns supreme, showing Rose the correct way to hit a winning shot, not just heaving up a prayer and hoping. Soon enough, the big mouth Noah, whose talking ability outweighs his playing ability by leaps and bounds, will have all summer to work on his man bun.

May 07, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / National Correctional Officers Week

Well put Shakey. I’m enjoying a nice fat steak right now, compliments of our union.

Apr 08, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

AJ:: Sorry, but I’ve been off work for a bit. Shakey hit it on the head when he said just be yourself and don’t try to BS them. As I recall, they even had a paper that had the questions on them that I could review. I pushed it away and they asked why I didn’t want to study the questions. I simply said that I didn’t need to study them. Most of the questions dealt with dealing with people of different races and religions than yours, trying to make sure your not a racist. Common sense should get you through it ok. Hope it goes well for you, and good luck!

Feb 18, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

AJ: Keep me informed and good luck. shakeyjake: RICI is where we go to vacation! Hey, were all brothers and sisters regardless of where we work! Best wishes……

Feb 14, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

AJ: I work at MANCI, so yes, I’m familiar with the conditions here. Most inmates are level 3, however, the majority of the pods here at MANCI are A level, meaning the inmates are not locked in their cells, as oppossed to B level, meaning they are locked up most of the time. Which means you will be in a pod with another officer with 120 inmates roaming about the pod, so it’s not for everyone. Yes, we have mandatory overtime, but we also have a voluntary freeze over, and many officers are glad to work the overtime. You would be on the bottom of the seniority pool, so yes, chances are on occassion you would probably be froze from time to time. Makes for a great paycheck though! You cannot be froze for more then one shift in a row though. They’ve hired a lot of new CO’s, so the overtime is not like it use to be, but it’s still there on occassion. 95% of what we do is glorified babysitting, however, that last 5% can turn bad really fast, if not deadly. And regardless of the situation, you must always have your partners back, always! One other thing…..If you started at MANCI and transfered elsewhere after a year, you would retain your state time, but you would go back to the bottom of the seniority pool at your new institution. Just something to think about…..

Feb 14, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

After a year you would become a member of the union and eligible for a transfer. Since you would actually be a state employee at that time, the facillity your looking to transfer to would be obligated to take you rather then a new hire. BTW, just so you know, you cannot transfer to a different facility until your year is up, even if the facility you want to work for has an opening during that time. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

Feb 13, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: The Club House / Civilian Dating A CO

If you have to come to this site for relationship advice, your doomed to begin with. I suggest becoming a nun and taking a vow of celibacy. That way you wont have to go to strangers on the internet and look for advice!

Feb 13, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

AJ….Understood. But you might want to consider this: A good many of us in corrections had to start at an institution that required travel. Once you get off your probation, which is a year in Ohio, you can put in for a transfer to another facility closer to you. If your willing to play the waiting game, no problem. But if you need some income now, consider the travel option.

Feb 12, 2015
Udwfnlq BROWNS2K 27 posts

Topic: A Broader View / How long does process take in Ohio

AJ….Not sure where exactly your trying to get into, but I know MANCI, located in Mansfield, Oh, has been hiring non-stop. It’s mainly level 3 inmates, I’d suggest calling them directly. Good luck!

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